BJJ Beginners

Lesson 8 – Straight Armlock (Mount)




The goal in the fight is to achieve the mount because from there you can exhaust the bully with ease. Sometimes, however, the bully turns sideways and jeopardizes your control. When this happens, they create the perfect opportunity for the Straight Armlock. This submission can be used from a variety of positions, and it employs so much leverage that it will work against a bully of any size.

Technical Slices:

Side Variation

  • Indicator: Bully turns sideways underneath you but does not roll to their knees.
  • Essential Detail: Effective transition to the modified mount.
  • Most Common Mistake: Committing to the armlock too soon.
  • Safety Tip: Protect your face so the child doesn’t kick your nose during the spin.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make the arm extension process more challenging each time.Bully Battle

    Bully Battle

    • Practice the Straight Armlock in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the incorporation of the Leg Hook Takedown (Lesson 5). 

    Final Thoughts

    • Ideally, you want to allow your partner to exhaust before spinning for the arm so that they won’t have the energy to escape. When you catch it, focus entirely on using your legs to control the bully. If the bully is too big, and your legs don’t reach the ground during the final control, don’t worry, just keep your legs heavy and you’ll be fine. Don’t forget to negotiate.