BJJ Beginners

Lesson 7 – Punch Block (Stages 1-4)




The ideal position in a fight is the mount. If you get thrown off from the mount, you can use your legs to wrap the bully in a position called the guard. The guard is the “secret weapon” for any Gracie Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, since it enables you to win the fight from the bottom, but this can only be done if you can survive the punches. The Punch Block Series will enable you to neutralize all punches and exhaust the bully until the opportunity arises to achieve victory. You already learned the basic principles of the Punch Block Series in the “Guard Monster” game, and now we will teach you some critical details that will further enhance your punch protection.

Technical Slices:

Stage 1

Stage 2

  • Adults Only

Stage 3

  • Indicator: Bully sits up to generate more powerful punches.
  • Essential Detail: Quick insertion of the knees with extended hips.
  • Most Common Mistake: Ineffective drop to Stage 1 – no control, no face protection.
  • Safety Tip: When returning to Stage 1, be cautious of an accidental head butt or elbow strike.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Use open hand taps to confirm solid face protection during the drop.

Stage 4

  • Indicator: Bully stands up to throw punches.
    Essential Detail: Strong leg extension with good face protection.
  • Most Common Mistake: Split drop instead of a controlled drop of your opponent.
  • Safety Tip: Do not lean too aggressively at first.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Increase your lean pressure more and more each time.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the Punch Block Series in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Take the Back and Remount Technique (Lesson 4).

Final Thoughts

  • Of all the Punch Block Series positions, Stage 1 is the best because it keeps you safest from punches and requires the least amount of energy. When you go to Stage 3 and 4, don’t stay there too long because your control over the bully is not that strong. In the adult Gracie Combatives course, you will learn Stage 2, until then, you’ll be fine with 1, 3, and 4.