BJJ Beginners

Lesson 6 – Clinch (Agressive Opponent)




Most martial arts rely heavily on the use of strikes to defeat the opponent. And although strikes may work against a smaller opponent, against a larger bully, they are very risky. The best strategy is to establish a clinch and take the fight to the ground where you can preserve energy, neutralize punches, and defeat the bully with ease. The key to establishing a clinch on an aggressive bully is to understand that there are two safe distances in a fight: all the way out or all the way in.

Technical Slices:

Close The Distance

  • Indicator: Bully becomes aggressive and commits to attacking you.
  • Essential Detail: Closing with conviction like a Rhino.
  • Most Common Mistake: Forgetting to protect face during entry.
  • Safety Tip: Use gentle open hand taps to the head to simulate punches.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Diversify your attack to make the entry timing less predictable.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the Clinch entry in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Positional Control strategies from the mount (Lesson 3).

Final Thoughts

  • Once the fight begins, remain calm and avoid the temptation to trade punches with the bully. Focus on keeping a safe distance and then shoot in when they become aggressive. If a person attacks you without notice (throws a surprise punch) use the same strategy – instantly cover your face and lunge forward to establish the clinch. So, whether it is in a predictable fight situation or a surprise attack, any time the bully becomes aggressive, don’t think twice, bite your teeth, protect your face, and close the distance. No matter what, once you commit to the clinch do not retreat.