BJJ Beginners

Lesson 33 – Double Underhook Guard Pass




If you end up inside the bully’s guard after a takedown or a Trap and Roll Escape, you will need to pass their guard. This can be done by stepping over the legs, as you’ve already learned, or you can go under the legs with the Double Underhook Guard Pass. First, you will learn how to use this technique if the opponent’s legs are uncrossed, and then we will teach you what to do if the bully crosses their feet to trap you.

Technical Slices:

Double Underhook Pass

  • Indicator: Bully’s legs are uncrossed in the guard and you have trouble stepping over.
  • Essential Detail: Dip the shoulder under the knee for a more effective full body drive.
  • Most Common Mistake: Weight on knees instead of toes during the stacking process.
  • Safety Tip: Tighten up your core as the child stacks you forward to protect your spine.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make your legs heavier and heavier as the child gets stronger.

Posture and Pass

  • Indicator: Bully crosses their feet and establishes the closed guard.
  • Essential Detail: Solid posture and heavy elbow grind on the inner thigh.
  • Most Common Mistake: Leaning forward while postured instead of leaning back.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make posture acquisition more and more challenging each time.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the Double Underhook Guard Pass in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Standing Armlock (Lesson 31) and the Twisting Arm Control (Lesson 32).

Final Thoughts

  • When you find yourself inside the bully’s guard, there is no major hurry to pass. Time is on your side. If their legs are uncrossed, dive your hands under their legs, if not, wait for the right time to establish your posture and then go for the Double Underhook Guard Pass. Once you achieve the side mount, focus on preventing the reestablishment of the guard and then, once the bully calms down, focus on transitioning to the full mount.