BJJ Beginners

Lesson 32 – Twisting Arm Control




The beauty of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is that it enables you to defeat virtually anyone while controlling the amount of damage you inflict. The Twisting Arm Control is prime example of this because you can use it for pure control and negotiation, or you can use it to set up a Straight Armlock.

Technical Slices:

Basic Control (Preparation Drill)

  • Indicator: Bully fears punch and protects face with one or both arms.
  • Essential Detail: Solid arm control and hip drive with the back leg angled out for base.
  • Most Common Mistake: No chest weight during initial arm trap.

Armlock Finish

  • Indicator: Bully does not cooperate while trapped in the Twisting Arm Control.
  • Essential Detail: Effective handwork and front foot positioning.
  • Most Common Mistake: Forgetting to loop the elbow around the head prior to leg spin.
  • Safety Tip: Protect your nose from the incoming foot during the armlock spin.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Gradually test the control by trying to pull the arm out at various points.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the Twisting Arm Control in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Guillotine Choke Defense (Lesson 29) and the Elbow Escape from the side mount (Lesson 30).

Final Thoughts

  • The Twisting Arm Control is a very effective way to negotiate with the bully since you have full control and they can’t hurt you. If the bully doesn’t cooperate, don’t hesitate to switch to the Armlock Finish.