BJJ Beginners

Lesson 3 – Positional Control




The mount is the most dominant position in a fight because it gives you full control over the bully. You must understand, however, that as soon as you achieve the mount, the bully will do everything in his power to escape and if you don’t have solid control strategies you will get thrown off. In the Gracie Game course (Spider Kid), you learned basic mount control principles and now we will teach you the Low Swim

Technical Slices:

Game 1

Low Swim

  • Indicator: Bully attempts to wrap your posted arm and roll you out.
  • Essential Detail: Solid base hand with a stiff elbow.
  • Most Common Mistake: Weak elbow positioning during the swim.
  • Safety Tip: Do not chop the child’s arm too quickly.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Wrap the arm stronger and stronger each time to increase elbow stiffness.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the new Positional Control Strategies in combination with Americana Armlock (Lesson 2) and all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels.

Final Thoughts

  • Every time you achieve the mount, expect the bully to use every ounce of energy to throw you off. Once you neutralize their explosive escape attempts, they will be very discouraged and in most cases this will be enough to make them surrender. If they do not give up, their exhaustion will make your submission that much easier to achieve.