BJJ Beginners

Lesson 29 – Guillotine Defence




When you establish the clinch, the bully is likely to get desperate and attempt to grab anything that will make them feel more secure. The Guillotine choke is one of the most common techniques used by unskilled individuals because it is simple and it gives them a feeling of control during the chaos. Although proper clinch positioning should prevent the Guillotine Choke, if you get caught by surprise, this technique will save your neck.

Technical Slices:

Guillotine Defence

  • Indicator: Bully catches you in a Guillotine Choke while standing.
  • Essential Detail: Move to the side opposite of the choke.
  • Most Common Mistake: Weak leg hook body drive.
  • Safety Tip: Control your fall to protect the child’s neck by using one hand to base out.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make your base stronger to challenge the takedown over time.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the Guillotine Defense in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Rear Takedown (Lesson 26).

Final Thoughts

  • The Guillotine Defense Golden Rule: When stuck in the Guillotine Choke, do whatever it takes to establish the side mount with your body positioned on the side opposite the choke. Hook the leg with conviction and don’t stop until your neck is safe.