BJJ Beginners

Lesson 27 – Haymaker Punch Defence




In many cases, the precise movement and aim of the bully’s strikes are hard to predict. Sometimes, however, they are so eager to attack you that their punches are totally predictable. The “Haymaker” punch is used when a determined attacker comes at you from a distance with the objective of putting all of their body weight behind one major punch. Because of the haymaker punch’s power and predictability, the best option is to slip underneath it and get behind the bully.

Technical Slices:

Haymaker Punch Defence

  • Indicator: Bully throws an overcommitted and very predictable haymaker punch at you.
  • Essential Detail: Step with the correct leg and protect your face with the front arm.
  • Most Common Mistake: Head remains in front of the chest instead of slipping around the back.
  • Safety Tip: Aim for the head, but do not actually hit the child if they forget to duck down.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Slowly increase the speed of the punch as the child gets better.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the Haymaker Punch Defense in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to Stage 5 of the Punch Block Series (Lesson 24).

Final Thoughts

  • If the punch is totally predictable, use the Haymaker Punch Defense. If the punches are not predictable, protect your face and use the standard Clinch strategy for an aggressive opponent.