BJJ Beginners

Lesson 25 – Hook Sweep




If the bully leans all their weight forward from Stage 4 drop them to Stage 1. If they stand in Stage 4 without leaning any weight, kick them to Stage 5. If they are leaning forward from Stage 4 but have one leg forward for base, use the Hook Sweep to reverse the

Technical Slices:

Hook Sweep

  • Indicator: Bully stands with one leg forward in Stage 4 of the Punch Block Series.
  • Essential Detail: Kick the hips back while pulling the foot.
  • Most Common Mistake: Weak inside knee hook with the opposite foot.
  • Safety Tip: Avoid squatting straight down during the sweep to minimize the foot crush.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Increase your base as the child’s sweep confidence grows.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the Hook Sweep in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Kimura Armlock from the guard (Lesson 22).

Final Thoughts

  • From Stage 4, focus on what the bully is doing with their bodyweight. If they are leaning forward aggressively chances are their feet are sprawled back and the best option would be a transition back to Stage 1. If they are leaning some of their weight, but not all of it, they are standing with one leg in front of the other, and when this happens, chances are they are creating the perfect opportunity for the Hook Sweep. If the foot is out of reach DO NOT attempt the sweep, if you do, you may get knocked out.