BJJ Beginners

Lesson 22 – Kimura Armlock (Guard)




The Kimura shoulder lock was named after the Japanese Jiu-Jitsu champion, Masahiko Kimura after he used the technique against Helio Gracie in 1951. Although this technique can be applied from the top and bottom of the fight, we have chosen to teach it to you from the bottom, since that is where you are most likely to end up against a larger bully. In the first slice you will learn the Basic Application, and then we’ll discuss a reliable way to apply this technique during the fight.

Technical Slices:

Basic Variation (Preparation Drill)

  • Essential Detail: Effective double wrist grab and 90-degree elbow bend.
  • Most Common Mistake: Failure to acquire the proper hip and body angle.
  • Safety Tip: Squeeze very slowly.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make the arm control more and more challenging as the child gets better

Forced Variation

  • Indicator: Bully exhausts their energy and remains stationary in Stage 1.
  • Essential Detail: Scoot hips to the side of the opponent’s head to facilitate the sit-up.
  • Most Common Mistake: Failure to use one hand to push the head aside.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make your head heavier each time the child succeeds.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the Kimura in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Pull Guard technique (Lesson 19)

Final Thoughts

  • Allow the bully to exhaust their initial barrage of punches before attempting the Kimura so they will have less energy to escape once you lock it on. Focus most of your efforts on effectively shooting your top arm into position since that is the arm that will prevent their escape. Once you establish the double wrist grab, hug it tight, keep it bent, and focus on scooting out to achieve the proper body
    angle, because without it you have no leverage.