BJJ Beginners

Lesson 20 – Headlock Escape 2


Side Control


Headlocks are one of the most common attacks in street fights. If you can anticipate the headlock before it happens, chances are you will be able to use Headlock Escape 1, the Frame Escape, to neutralize the threat. If you are caught by surprise and don’t have enough time to use the first option, you can resort to option number two – the Leg Hook Escap

Technical Slices:

Standard Leg Lock Escape

  • Indicator: Bully establishes a tight headlock and neutralizes Headlock Escape 1.
  • Essential Detail: Sideways body position and effective inside elbow tuck.
  • Most Common Mistake: Trying to use a pull-up rather than push-up of the back foot.
  • Safety Tip: Insert leg hook carefully to avoid kicking your partner in the groin
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make the shoulder getup more and more challenging each time

Bully Battle

  • Practice Headlock Escape 2 in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Straight Armlock from the guard (Lesson 17).

Final Thoughts

  • The most important detail in any headlock escape is that your body is sideways and your elbow is tucked. Try to anticipate the headlock so that you can use the Frame Escape to neutralize the threat, and if this option fails quickly transition to the Leg Hook Escape. If ever you are having difficulty inserting the leg hook, consider resorting back to Headlock Escape 1 by inserting a quick and powerful frame.