BJJ Beginners

Lesson 18 – Double Ankle Sweep




Your most important task from the bottom of the guard is to avoid all knockout punches. Depending on what the bully does from within your guard, there are many techniques you can use to reverse the position or win the fight. One situation in which the bully is vulnerable for a sweep is when they stand up directly over you to throw punches. The Double Ankle sweep is a prime example of how leverage and timing can overcome size and strength.

Technical Slices:

Standard Up In Base (Preparation Drill)

  • Essential Detail: Knee must go outside the elbow of the posted hand.
  • Most Common Mistake: Hands comes off the ground before foot is planted.

Kick Variation

  • Indicator: Bully stands up with high hips to throw punches.
  • Essential Detail: Keep control of the head until you are ready to kick them back.
  • Most Common Mistake: Attempting to go directly to the mount.
  • Safety Tip: Watch where you fall.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make your base stronger and stronger with each successful sweep.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the Double Ankle Sweep in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Double Leg Takedown (Lesson 15).

Final Thoughts

  • If the bully stands up, and their ankles are within reach, the Double Ankle sweep is the best option. If you are not 100% certain that you will be able to reach the ankles do not attempt this technique, you are much safer resorting to Stage 4 defensive position. The best indicator of the closeness of the bully’s ankles is their weight distribution, the more they are leaning on you the further back their feet usually are. If you are not sure whether or not the ankles are within reach, don’t even try.