BJJ Beginners

Lesson 17 – Straight Armlock




The most common type of attack you will encounter from a bully who is trapped inside your guard is a punch to the face. Once they realize that they can’t effectively punch you they will try to get access to your neck or face by any means necessary. Whenever someone attacks your neck or face from within your guard, they are giving you the opportunity to catch them in a Straight Armlock.

Technical Slices:

High Variation

  • Indicator: Bully attacks your chest or throat with fully extended arms.
  • Essential Detail: Effective angle acquisition and high hip shot.
  • Most Common Mistake: Weak clamps during final armlock position.
  • Safety Tip: Squeeze very slow since the arm is already extended.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Use your hands to help create the body angle at first.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the Straight Armlock from the guard in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Headlock Counters from the mount (Lesson 14).

Final Thoughts

  • Punch protection is the number one concern from the guard. Only if the bully’s arms are exposed and they are not actively punching should you consider an Armlock, and once you commit, go for it. If you go for the Armlock and the bully falls over onto their back, simply sit up, adjust your hips, and finish it.