BJJ Beginners

Lesson 16 – Headlock Escape 1


Side Control


Besides punches, headlocks are the single most common form of attack used by bullies. Although they aren’t as effective as a true submission hold, getting caught in a headlock by a stronger bully can be a very painful and demoralizing experience. The Frame Escape is the first of two headlock escape strategies that we recommend you perfect.

Technical Slices:

Standard Frame Escape

  • Indicator: Bully establishes a headlock from the side mount.
  • Essential Detail: Sideways body position and quick frame entry.
  • Most Common Mistake: Insufficient hip scoots or weak neck chop with the leg.
  • Safety Tip: Use your back hand to block the child’s foot from smashing your nose.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make your head heavier and heavier each time.

      Bully Battle

      • Practice Headlock Escape 1 in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Clinch on a conservative opponent (Lesson 13).

      Final Thoughts

      • Although skilled opponents rarely use headlocks, you must learn and perfect this escape technique since you will almost certainly need it against any bully you ever fight.