BJJ Beginners

Lesson 14 – Head Lock Counters




The goal in a fight is to achieve the mount. Once you accomplish this, the bully will panic and desperately attempt to escape. One of the most common escape strategies used by unskilled individuals is to establish a headlock and try throw you off. The Headlock Counters from the mount will keep you from getting rolled off of a bully, and prepare you to take advantage of the submission opportunities that will inevitably arise.

Technical Slices:

Basic Positioning

  • Indicator: Bully attempts to use a headlock to throw you off.
  • Essential Detail: Smooth transition to modified mount and solid hand base.
  • Most Common Mistake: Incorrect back knee position and hips too high.
  • Safety Tip: Twist the headlock gently to avoid hurting the child’s neck or arms.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Start easy and make the base checks more and more intense with time.

    Armlock Finish

    • Indicator: Bully exhausts their escape attempts and keeps the headlock intact.
    • Essential Detail: Effective frame positioning and use of body weight for pressure.
    • Most Common Mistake: Going for the frame too soon and losing control.
    • Safety Tip: Protect your nose from the incoming foot during the armlock spin.
    • Transfer Teaching Tip: Tighten your neck muscles to challenge the frame more and more.

    Bully Battle

    • Practice the Headlock Counters from the mount in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Side Mount control strategies (Lesson 11).

    Final Thoughts

    • When the bully grabs you in a headlock from the bottom of the mount, you must keep in mind that time is on your side. The harder they try to escape, the quicker they will exhaust. Don’t be in a hurry to win, instead, focus on maintaining the good position, and the submission opportunities will follow.