BJJ Beginners

Lesson 12 – Body Fold Takedown




Instead of exchanging punches with the bully, we recommend that you establish the clinch and take them to the ground where you can control them without causing any unnecessary harm. Once you establish the clinch, there is a good chance that they will get desperate and try to hit you in the face. In doing so, they will lean back and unknowingly create the perfect opportunity for the Body Fold takedown.

Technical Slices:

Body Fold Takedown

  • Indicator: Bully attempts to throw punches after you establish the clinch.
  • Essential Detail: Tight clinch and slight body pickup prior to the fold.
  • Most Common Mistake: Folding with only the arms instead of the whole body.
  • Safety Tip: Release the clinch and post hands out before hitting the ground
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make your body stiffer to challenge the fold as the child gets better.

    Bully Battle

    • Practice the Body Fold Takedown in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Elevator Sweep from the guard (Lesson 9).

    Final Thoughts

    • Any time the bully makes a serious effort to strike at you from the clinch they are exposing themselves to the Body Fold Takedown. The advantage of the Body Fold Takedown is that it can be applied relatively quickly when the opportunity is right. If ever you attempt to use it and it doesn’t work, because the bully’s base is too strong or they are too large to fold, resort to the Leg Hook Takedown.