BJJ Beginners

Lesson 11 – Positional Control (Side Control)


Side Control


Your positional objective in every fight should be to achieve the mount. Prior to achieving the mount, you may need to resort to another very dominant position called the side mount. You already learned how to prevent the bully from bridging and throwing you off in the “Crocodile Control” game. Now it’s time for you to learn how to prevent the second most common escape strategy from the side mount.

Technical Slices:


Guard Prevention

  • Indicator: Bully attempts to put you in their guard.
  • Essential Detail: Early recognition of guard attempt and quick hip switch.
  • Most Common Mistake: Weak leg positioning and weight distribution while hips are switched
  • Safety Tip: Make sure your shoulder doesn’t crush their hands during the movement.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: From the hip-switch position, check the child’s base in all directions.

    Bully Battle

    • Practice the Side Mount Control Strategies in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Straight Armlock from the mount (Lesson 8)

    Final Thoughts

    • Although it is easier to win the fight from the mount, it is easier to maintain control of your bully from the side mount. As a result, do not rush to the mount. Instead, focus on establishing a good base and allowing the bully to burn all their energy, so that when you finally transition to the mount they will be too exhausted to do anything.