BJJ Beginners

Lesson 10 – Elbow Escape




Any time you find yourself trapped underneath the bully in the mount position your goal should be to use the Trap and Roll Escape, since it will place you on top of the fight. If this escape is not possible, because the bully is too big or their base is too wide, the Elbow Escape will guarantee your survival.

Technical Slices:

Standard Elbow Escape

  • Indicator: Bully prevents the Trap and Roll Escape by establishing wide base.
  • Essential Detail: Flat leg and a solid knee shove.
  • Most Common Mistake: No final hip scoot during the second leg removal.
  • Safety Tip: Be careful not to crush the child’s inner thigh with your knee.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make your legs heavier and heavier each time.

    Bully Battle

    • Practice the Elbow Escape in combination with all of the previously learned techniques at various intensity levels. Give special emphasis to the Clinch – Aggressive Opponent (Lesson 6).

    Final Thoughts

    • Always attempt the Trap and Roll Escape first because it will put you on top of the fight. If you cannot Trap and Roll the bully, then use the Elbow Escape to put them in your guard. While not as dominant as the mount, from the guard you can neutralize punches, exhaust the bully, and eventually win the fight. For this reason, you must master all variations of this “Emergency Escape” from the mount position.