BJJ Beginners

Lesson 1 – Trap & Roll Escape




The goal is to achieve the top position once the fight goes to the ground; the problem is that things don’t always go according to plan. Against a strong bully, you are likely to end up on the bottom of the mount position which is the single worst place to be in a fight. From this position the bully can strike or strangle you at will and you cannot effectively strike back. The worst part about trying to escape the mount without an effective strategy is the panic you experience and the extreme exhaustion it will inevitably cause. The Trap and Roll Escape is a simple, reliable way to remove the Bully from atop of you. In the Gracie Games course you learned the Standard (Snake Bite) and the Punch Block (Shark Bite) Variation, and now you will learn the Headlock Variation.

Technical Slices:

Standard Variation (Shark Bite)

Punch Block Variation (Snake Bite)

Headlock Variation

  • Indicator: Bully establishes a headlock and tries to pin you.
  • Essential Detail: Effective bridge and reach with the hugging arm.
  • Most Common Mistake: Failure to remove the back hook prior to roll.
  • Safety Tip: Do not rest too much weigh on the child.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make yourself heavier during each repetition.

Bully Battle

  • Practice the new Trap and Roll Escape variation in combination with all the Gracie Games at various intensity levels.

Final Thoughts

  • Because being mounted is so dangerous, we will teach you several techniques to prevent it from happening in the first place. View the Trap and Roll Escape as an emergency tool of last resort. In a future lesson, you will learn the Elbow Escape from the mount, which can be used to escape the mount if the Trap and Roll Escape fails