BJJ Beginners

Game 9 – Guard Monster

Skill Introduced:

Punch Block Series


If you get mounted on top of a monster, chances are you will get thrown off, and when you do, you will use the guard to stay safe. In this game you will learn how to block punches and control the monster from underneath the fight, and once you master these skills, you can easily use them to stay safe if you get trapped under an aggressive bully.

Technical Slices:

Level 1: Head Hug

  • Essential Detail: Maintain control of the monster’s head at all times.
  • Most Common Mistake: Allowing your head to drop to the mat.
  • Safety Tip: During the movement be careful not to head butt the child.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Once the head control is solid, reach for the child’s face to confirm punch protection.

Level 2: Guard Swim

  • Indicator: The monster tries to push of your chest to create punching distance.
  • Essential Detail: Swim with the arm on the same side as the pushup.
  • Most Common Mistake: Releasing the head.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: As the child’s confidence grows, push more firmly to test control.

Level 3: Crazy Combo

  • Start with the Snake Bite (Game 8), transition to Spiderkid (Game 1), then go to Guard Monster, and end with Tackle the Giant (Game 5).