BJJ Beginners

Game 8 – Snake Bite

Skill Introduced:

Skill Introduced: Trap and Roll Escape (Standard Variation)


During the Shark Bite game, you learned how to escape from underneath a bully who is trying to punch you in the face. In this game we will teach you how to use Snake Bite strategies to escape from underneath a bully who is trying to choke you from the mount.

Technical Slices:

Level 1: Quick Bite

  • Indicator: The bully is trying to strangle you with both hands.
  • Essential Detail: Quick and solid control of one arm.
  • Most Common Mistake: Releasing the arm during the roll.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Once the steps are learned try to post your hand out to verify tightness.

Level 2: Snake Squeeze

  • Indicator: The bully tries to get away after you roll him off.
  • Essential Detail: Tight control of the hips with your elbows.
  • Most Common Mistake: Weak base during the transition to the mount.
  • Safety Tip: While moving, do not push the child’s head too much – you may twist their neck.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Push the shoulders harder and harder as the child’s control increases.

Level 3: Crazy Combo

  • Start with the Base Battle (Game 8), transition to the Snake Bite, then to the Bulldozer (Game 3), and end with the Crazy Horse (Game4)