BJJ Beginners

Game 7 – Base Battle

Skill Introduced:

Standing Base


If you’re walking home from school and some crazy kid tries to push you into the street to play soccer with him, you will need to have solid base to stay safe. In this game we are going to teach you the key strategies to use in the event that anyone tries to push or pull you without permission.

Technical Slices:

Level 1: Push Base

  • Indicator: The bully tries to push you into the street.
  • Essential Detail: Wide legs effective shoulder drive.
  • Most Common Mistake: Leaning so much that you fall over when they let you go.
  • Safety Tip: Don’t let go too quickly so that the child doesn’t fall too hard.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Start easy and then push harder and harder as the base gets stronger

Level 2: Pull Base

  • Indicator: The bully tries to push you into the street.
  • Essential Detail: Wide legs effective shoulder drive.
  • Most Common Mistake: Leaning so much that you fall over when they let you go.
  • Safety Tip: Don’t let go too quickly so that the child doesn’t fall too hard.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Start easy and then push harder and harder as the base gets stronger

Level 3: Crazy Combo

  • Start with the Base Battle, transition to Tackle the Giant (Game 5), then use Crocodile Control (Game 6), and end with the Bulldozer (Game 3).