BJJ Beginners

Game 6 – Crocodile Control

Skill Introduced:

Side Mount Control


If you happened to be wandering through the swamps and you happen to stumble upon a sleeping crocodile you should probably leave it alone. But, if your goal were to catch the crocodile, it would be wise to control it while it is still asleep. In this game you will learn the ultimate crocodile control strategies that you can use in the swamps or against an aggressive bully who is trying to escape from underneath you.

Technical Slices:

Level 1: Super Base

  • Indicator: The crocodile is sleeping and you want to establish full control before it wakes up.
  • Essential Detail: Solid front foot position.
  • Most Common Mistake: Incorrect startup hand positioning.
  • Safety Tip: Avoid crushing the child’s hand when you roll to the weak side.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make your roll attempts stronger as the child’s base gets stronger

Level 2: Sneaky Mount

  • Indicator: The crocodile exhausts and you want to achieve the mount.
  • Essential Detail: Effective hand base during the transition to the mount.
  • Most Common Mistake: Rushing to the mount before the crocodile exhausts.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Keep the child alert by testing their base during the mount transition

Level 3: Crazy Combo

  • Start with Tackle the Giant (Game 5), transition to the Crocodile Control, then go to the Shark Bite (Game 2), and end with Spiderkid Game 1).