BJJ Beginners

Game 5 – Tackle The Giant

Skill Introduced:

Double Leg Takedown


If a very angry giant enters your neighborhood and tries to crush all the houses with his feet, you have two choices: 1) run for your life, and 2) tackle the giant. We recommend the latter. Perfect this takedown strategy so you can keep your neighborhood safe from giants, and so you can tackle any bullies who get out of control.

Technical Slices:

Level 1: Duck and Shoot

  • Indicator: The giant tries to punch your face.
  • Essential Detail: Solid leg control.
  • Most Common Mistake: Head in between the giant’s legs.
  • Safety Tip: When you are taken down, drop your hips first and protect your head.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Walk back to check the legitimacy of the leg control.

Level 2: Clap and Shoot

  • Indicator: The giant is acting crazy but has not punched you.
  • Essential Detail: Keep driving until the giant goes down.
  • Most Common Mistake: Weak leg control.
  • Safety Tip: Keep your legs extended during the fall to avoid injuring the child’s chest.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make your base stronger after each successful repetition.Level 3: Crazy Combo

Level 3: Crazy Combo

  • Start with Tackle the Giant, transition to the Bulldozer (Game 3), and end with the Crazy Horse (Game 4).