BJJ Beginners

Game 4 – Crazy Horse

Skill Introduced:

Back Mount Control


In order to ride a regular horse you only need to be regular, in order to ride a crazy horse you need to be crazy! In this game you will
learn critical control strategies that will prepare you to ride even the craziest of horses. Once mastered, you can use your Crazy Horse
skills to stay in control if you ever find yourself behind a crazy bully!

Technical Slices:

Level 1: Backpack

  • Indicator: The Crazy Horse is sleeping and you need to jump on.
  • Essential Detail: Solid over-under control.
  • Most Common Mistake: Weak leg hooks.
  • Safety Tip: Be careful not to allow your head to collide with the child’s.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Shake side to side more aggressively as the child’s confidence grows

Level 2: Sneak Attack

  • Indicator: The Crazy Horse is awake and you need to sneak around and jump on.
  • Essential Detail: Trick the Crazy Horse by faking one way then going to the other side.
  • Most Common Mistake: Allowing the Crazy Horse to grab your feet.
  • Safety Tip: Don’t trip the child if their training area is dangerously small.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: As the child progresses, challenge the hooks by pulling them with your hands.

Level 3: Crazy Combo

  • Start with Spiderkid (Game 1), transition to Bulldozer (Game 3), and end with the Crazy Horse