BJJ Beginners

Game 3 – Bulldozer

Skill Introduced:

Modified Mount


If a bulldozer were rolling through your neighborhood it would not be wise to play with it because you might get crushed. But, if you ever find yourself on top of a bully who starts rolling like a crazy bulldozer, you can use these solid strategies and your quick reflexes to stay
on top of the fight!

Technical Slices:

Level 1: Bulldozer Walk

  • Indicator: Bully rolls to either side from the bottom of the mount.
  • Essential Detail: Keeping the back knee and the back hand posted for base.
  • Most Common Mistake: Too much weight on the front foot.
  • Safety Tip: Be careful not to crush the child’s front foot if they forget to move it.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Help position the child’s legs at first then leave it up to them

Level 2: Crazy Roll

  • Indicator: Bully rolls side-to-side at a faster rate.
  • Essential Detail: All your weight on your back hand and foot.
  • Most Common Mistake: Not switching fast enough when the bulldozer switches.
  • Safety Tip: Be really careful with the foot.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make your switch timing less predictable as the child gets better

Level 3: Crazy Combo

  • Start with the Shark Bite (Game 2), transition into Spiderkid (Game 1), and end with Bulldozer