BJJ Beginners

Game 2 – Shark Bite

Skill Introduced:

Trap & Roll Escape (Punch Block Variation)


If you find yourself trapped under a bully who is bigger and stronger than you, you need to have a plan otherwise you will lose the fight. In this game you will learn one of the most reliable escape strategies but it will only work if you “bite” like a Great White Shark!

Technical Slices:

Level 1: Quick Bite

  • Indicator: Bully is mounted on you with both hands on the ground.
  • Essential Detail: Trapping the arm and the leg on the same side.
  • Most Common Mistake: Not bridging the hips high enough.
  • Safety Tip: Be careful not to crush the child’s wrist with your body during the rollover.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Strengthen the child’s bridge by making yourself heavier with each successful rep.

Level 2: Quick Hug

  • Indicator: Bully sits up to throw punches at your face.
  • Essential Detail: Quick body-hug to prevent punches.
  • Most Common Mistake: Not preserving the closeness.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make the pull down more and more challenging with each successful rep.

Level 3: Crazy Combo

  • Practice the Shark Bite technique in combination with the Spiderkid (Game 1) strategies at various intensity levels.