BJJ Beginners

Game 10 – Crazy Legs

Skill Introduced:

Guard Passing


After you use the Shark Bite, or the Snake Bite, and you end up inside the bully’s legs, the goal is to stay tight and step over to achieve the mount or side mount. If you can’t control their legs, you will need stand up and try to get past their “Crazy Legs” using the strategies presented in this game.

Technical Slices:

Level 1: Side Control Finish

  • Indicator: The bully’s legs are too “crazy” to simply step over.
  • Essential Detail: Control the legs and toss them to the side.
  • Most Common Mistake: Not diving in quick enough after the legs are thrown aside.
  • Safety Tip: Be careful not to kick too aggressively while blocking with the legs.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: The better the child gets, the more you can use your hands to challenge their entry.

Level 2: Mount Finish

  • Indicator: The bully exhausts their side mount escape strategies and you wish to mount.
  • Essential Detail: If you have trouble getting around one side, switch and go the other way.
  • Most Common Mistake: Rushing to the mount before exhausting the bully.
  • Safety Tip: Be careful not to trip your child if the training area is small.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: With each successful rep, make the leg control harder to achieve.

Level 3: Crazy Combo

  • Start with the Shark Bite (Game 8), then go to Crazy Legs, then use Crocodile Control (Game 6), then go to Spiderkid (Game 1), and end with Crazy Horse (Game 4).