BJJ Beginners

Game 1 – Spider Kid

Skill Introduced:

Mount Control


Spiderkid is just like Spiderman; the only difference he doesn’t have the web-shooting capabilities, so he needs to use other strategies to capture the bad guys. In this game you will learn some of the secret strategies used by Spiderkid to control bad guys once they get to the ground. Once you master this game, you can use the strategies to control a violent bully who is trying to throw you off from the Mount

Technical Slices:

Level 1: Spider Hands

  • Indicator: Bad guy tries to throw you off to either side.
  • Essential Detail: Solid neck-hug and centered body position.
  • Most Common Mistake: Wobbly arm on the base hand.
  • Safety Tip: Push gently at first to avoid hurting the child’s posted arm.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Make the neck-hug more challenging by pushing the child more intensely with each rep

Level 2: Spider Swim

  • Indicator: Bad guy tries to push up on your chest to throw you off.
  • Essential Detail: Quick swim with one arm at a time.
  • Most Common Mistake: Failing to follow-up with a low wide base position.
  • Transfer Teaching Tip: Use your arms to make it harder to swim through each time the child succeeds.

Level 3: Crazy Combo

  • Practice the Spider Hands and Spider Swim Tactics in combination with one another at various intensity levels.