
Lesson 25 – Over-Under Pass

Warm Up (5min)

Line Drills

  • Bridge

Partner Drills

  • Ashi-Garami Entry

Lesson (30min)

Over-Under Pass – Entry

  1. Start on top against a supine open guard
  2. Grip uke’s gi pants on one side and post against their knee with your other hand
  3. Capture uke’s ankle between your knees
  4. Establish the over-under position by gripping around uke’s hips
    • Ensure your chin and your hand stay connected together, making it hard for uke to frame
  5. Take your knees off the mat, bringing your hips up and to the near side
    • Maintain the tripod to put pressure on uke

Over-Under Pass – Capturing the Knee

  1. Continue from over-under tripod position
  2. Trap uke’s knee with your hips by walking on the mat and pushing uke’s leg downwards
    • Use the gi grip to push uke’s leg down until the knee trap is in place
  3. Release your gi pants grip and wrap around uke’s hamstring
  4. Walk uke’s leg to their centerline, so that the knee extends and points to the far side

Over-Under Pass – Finish

  1. Continue from over-under position with the knee trapped
  2. Post your foot on the mat and backstep over uke’s leg
  3. Shelf uke’s leg on top of your knee
    • Stay on uke’s hips as they try to hip escape away, don’t put your knees on the ground yet
  4. Change your grips to control uke’s far side hip and the gi collar behind their head
  5. Use your grips as an anchor to transfer your pin from uke’s hips to their upper body